Camion Press

Neeli Cherkovski 1945/2024

Camion Press, international non-profit poetry publisher. It was born in 2015 from the Camion project (first a paper magazine and then an audio magazine). It publishes in a very limited edition texts preferably in Italian and English essentially aimed at the international “tribe” of poets. Among the various titles in the catalog we remember “Americans and Others”, an anthology that collects texts by over 50 post-beat authors from all over the world, “Inferno” (original title: “A book of Inferno”) by Jerome Rothenberg , “Madras Ice Cream” by Giulio Tedeschi (editorial director of Camion Press), “Be Bop Boo” (world premiere) by Mike Aguzin, “Welcome to Sonoma County” (original title: “Welcome to Sonoma County) by Michael Rothenbeg. Camion Press recognizes itself in “100 thousand Poets for Change”, an international movement of new poetry.

“Americans and Others” l’antologia di poesia internazionale curata da Giulio Tedeschi ed edita da Camion Press (Turin/Italy, prima edizione 2019). Sulle strade del mondo. “Beautiful, wonderful, edgy and explosive anthology” (Michael Rothenberg). “Very fine” (Neeli Cherkovski). “A good job” (Al Winas). ” It’s a wonderful anthology” (Lance Henson). “I’m very pleased with the way that “Americans and Others” turned out. It is a lovely book.” (Bob MacKenzie). “Great writers from so many countries” (Pamela Twining). “Really, a great job” (Mauro Macario). “Americans and Others, all should find this book and give it a read” (Christopher Ethan Burton). “Wonderful poetry anthology!” (Shiv Mirabito). “Some amazing poetry in here. In many languages. An exceptional anthology with exceptional poets” (Nancy Patrice Davenport). ” Great anthology with great writers” (Eric Neirynck). “It’s a snug fit for me” (Dennis Formento). “Beautiful new Americans and Others” (Ron Whitehead), “It’s fantastic, so many great poems” (Daniel Yaryan). “It’s a solid anthology” (Mick Parsons). “Excellent anthology.” (Alan Pizzarelli). “A fantastic book” (Joe Kidd). “Love this book” (Debbie Tuson Kilday). “Wonderful Anthology” (Prince A. McNally). A grand poetry harvest! (George Wallace). “The book is fantastic!” (Robert Hansen). “Very full, very good to have” (Jerome Rothenberg). “È un lavoro unico e di grande spessore sulla poesia contemporanea di tutto il mondo”. (Renato Marengo). “Outstanding and seminal journal” (Nelson Gary). “A great book” (Catfish McDaris)

Camion Press, editrice di poesia internazionale senza fini di lucro. Nasce nel 2015 dal progetto Camion (rivista cartacea prima ed audio-rivista poi). Edita a tiratura molto limitata testi preferibilmente in italiano ed inglese essenzialmente rivolti alla “tribù” internazionale dei poeti. Tra i vari titoli presenti in catalogo ricordiamo “Americans and Others”, antologia che raccoglie testi di oltre 50 autori di tendenza post-beat provenienti da tutto il mondo, “Inferno” (titolo originale: “A book of Inferno”) di Jerome Rothenberg, “Madras Ice Cream” di Giulio Tedeschi (direttore editoriale di Camion Press), “Be Bop Boo” (in prima mondiale) di Mike Aguzin, “Benvenuto nella Contea di Sonoma” (titolo originale: “Welcome to Sonoma County) di Michael Rothenbeg. Camion Press si riconosce in “100mila Poeti per il Cambiamento”, movimento internazionale di nuova poesia.